I do not have a photo of my own but was doing an internet search trying to identify this. I found this site that has the exact same bush. At this site they say its a pomegranate but i don't think it is. There are about 10 of these were i work. He has pomegranate trees in between each of these others. They never produce pomegranates and the flowers look like carnations. When you are staring at them you can see the difference in the flowers. On the pomegranates the flowers are all red and on these the flowers are pink and white or red and white. http://www.flickr.com/photos/7202153@N03/2498785812/ http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=13602&highlight=pomegranate After searching more on this site i found this link. This is what the tree is but it has never produced fruit. So if it is a pomegranate why do the trees in between these produce but not these ones?
Your 1st pics do show the flowers of Punica granatum, Common name Pomegranate.See... http://images.google.com/imgres?img...n-gb:IE-SearchBox&rlz=1I7SUNA_en-GB&sa=N&um=1 The 2nd pics show the double flowered pomegranate... Punica granatum plena See.... http://toptropicals.com/catalog/uid/granatum_double.htm Double flowers cannot be pollinated, so cannot produce fruit. Hope this helps.