Hi everyone, I've been identifying wildflowers from the Terrace area for the last few weeks in a project for my dad, but I've run across a couple that - while beautiful - don't match with anything I could find in Pojar and MacKinnon. These are plants that like wet areas, though I'm not sure if they fully qualify as boggy. The yellow one looks very much like something in the Ranunculaceae, and the white one like a Saxifrage of some sort - a racemate fringed grass of parnassus? I don't know... I'm definitely stumped. If anyone has any suggestions (amybe I'm looking in the wrong places?) that'd be really great! Thanks!
As far as the first plant goes, I live in Spokane where we get Ranunculus glabberimus var. glabberimus or sagebrush buttercup, which normally has 5 petals. But it is very plastic in the sence that I have seen plants with as many as 20 petals. So you might have some similar buttercup in you area that in this case has a extra bountiful display this year. I would try to identify the foliage in your flora, and see if you can match the plant that way. Also ranunculus usually has a small pit or slit at the base of the petals, so you should be able to tell if it is a ranunculus by actually looking at one of the petals if the plant is handy. :) I have no idea on the second but it is a great plant. Harry
I'll see what I can find out about the first, but the second is Menyanthes trifoliata, or buckbean. Here's a good link with some info: buckbean
Do a google image search on Ranunculus cooleyae and see what you think. Also you might want to check out the e-flora page for this species: http://linnet.geog.ubc.ca/Atlas/Atlas.aspx?sciname=Ranunculus cooleyae
Hi Steve, That's definitely it. Thanks very much to all of you for the help! Not to mention the speed of the replies... :) I may have another one for you all in a day or two - I want to give it a little more time myself before I pass it off to the experts. Thanks again! Meghan