This is growing in my garden but I don't remember planting it. Can someone identify it for me? It has small pink flowers on the end of the stalks.
Possibly Epilobium species, family Onagraceae. Common name willowherb. Related to fireweed? If so the stigma will most likely have a 4 lobed tip, the seeds when the seedpods open will have long wispy hairs attached. The flowers are usually pink or pink tinged. Is the white of the flower a photographic artifact rather than the actual color? Harry
Thanks Harry. It looks like a hit. The pictures at the following site look a lot like it with the flowers on the ends of the stalks.
Had this one in our yard and have been trying to get rid of it for years. They keep appearing as there are copious seeds. Jandy
Yup, it's a "returning plant" (read: weed). I thought originally it was a strange form of pink forget-me-not, but nope. And if it's in your neighbourhood, it'll come back to say "hello", no matter how many times you pull it out. It will give you something to do on evening tours around the garden with a glass of wine...just a slight intermission to bend and snatch the bloody thing out by the roots...then meander on to enjoy the fragrance and foliage as the sun sets.