Anyone know what these plants are? blueflower - don't have a good photo of the leaves or stem for this one large leaf1 - the leaves on this must be more than 10" long large leaf2 - another plant with large leaves notVirginiaCreeper- a common plant here vinepic2 - appears to be a vine that creeps on the ground weed - this stuff is everywhere, thought it was horseweed when it was in the basal stage; now I'm not sure Thanks in advance
Phacelia bipinnatifida for the first, I think (with the invasive garlic-mustard Alliaria petiolata in the background)
Yes. I forgot that Black Snakeroot grows there. It looks different at this stage and I didn't recognize it. No doubt it is Sanicula canadensis. Sure looks like Winter Creeper, an invasive. Never seen it before. I believe you are right on that one too.