I have some photos, but they are large screen sized, but the file size averages around 90 kb. Here are the links http://www.yesalbum.com/v001/Ceara/Plants2006/unk4.jpg http://www.yesalbum.com/v001/Ceara/Plants2006/unk3.jpg http://www.yesalbum.com/v001/Ceara/Plants2006/unk2.jpg http://www.yesalbum.com/v001/Ceara/Plants2006/unk1.jpg This is the second season this thing has popped up around the house. Zone 4 in Quebec. It sits in a mostly shady area where the soil stays slightly damp all the time, but not soggy. It stands a little over a foot high. I have no idea what it could be. Any ideas?
Oh I'm really sorry, I didn't put this in the right area. It should be under outdoor plants, but I don't see a place where I can delete the message.
Trillium? Perhaps T. flexipes? Common name nodding wakerobin. UBC staff will probably transfer this thread to the correct forum automatically. Harry