Hi, I'm new at gardening and I live in South, south FL where there is nothing but sun and my "soil" is dirty sand. I have a few plants in my yard that I would like to look up in order to care for them the best possible way (they are not thriving) and a few that are, and I would like to try and propagate. If you have any info for me, I'd greatly appreciate it, tips and suggestions are also craved. The second plant in used to have white fuzzy leaves, we have a well and this is turning some of our plants that rust color, the last plant grew wild in an empty lot next to me, it had pretty yellow blooms? but I haven't seen them since I transplanted it. any help, thanks. me.
The 2nd is Kalanchoe 'Oak Leaf', 3rd is a Vinca & 4th Ruellia. In a rush, so no time to check full names. These ought to get you started though. :)
I kinda thought that number 2 was a dusty miller and the 3rd pic looks kinda like a new guinea impatiens but im not really sure about either one. Give it a google and see what you think.
The first one is Ilex vomitoria 'Nana' AKA Dwarf yaupon holly. HTH Chris As to health of the plants they don't look all that bad. If you mulch with woodchips or bark you'll add organic matter to the soil which is helpful. Florida soils are low in nitrates and high in Phosphorus so a SLOW release lawn food with a 3-1-2 ratio will be a good start. Do not use Weed and Feed!!!
I should know better than to post when I'm rushing. I didn't look at the larger view of the 2nd until now. It is a type of Dusty Miller, a Senecio. I don't know which (but not the Kalanchoe I thought). Sorry for the confusion. I couldn't think of the correct current name for the Vinca,>>>Catharanthus. Thank goodness Michael did! :)
thanks to everyone you were right on the mark with the responses now I can look them up and get some answers. still looking for the last one. Question to saltcedar about the mulch, we have a well, as mentioned, and have heard that the chemicals they use to treat the mulch can be harmful to our water. I've also heard the organic mulch can have pests and weed seeds in, so just thought it was pointless? any thoughts? thanks.
Hi I can't directly respond to the mulch question because they don't treat the mulches I commonly use. If you have a concern that the supplier can't answer I'd do what many people including myself do when we need mulch. Make friends with the local tree trimming company guys. They will usually be quite happy to drop off their load of chips rather than haul them to the company yard or landfill. It may have a few tree seeds which are easily pulled as they sprout. HTH Chris