The UBC Botanical Garden web site is now on the garden's new server. It should be a seamless change for almost everyone, but there might be some problems that arise. Please email me or reply to this thread if you note any.
Glitch #1 - emails are not being sent out by the forum software. In other words, no one will be receiving emails confirming their registration until we can solve this small problem.
One of the advantages of the new server is that I've successfully been able to move all of the image attachments out of the database that powers these forums into the computer's file system. Considering the database is now 1/40 of its former size, there should be a notable speed improvement.
Hi Daniel: Things are really slow this morning, timed out twice after being very slow on the initial connection. Ralph (at 10:05 am)
Ralph - thanks. Let's keep an eye on it. I hope it was only a blip due to the "UBC-rest of the world network connection" as I had a lot of difficulty getting my email at home (server timeouts).
Hmm... very interesting. Thumbnails were working for some people, but not for others (and I'm at a loss to explain why). So, I've moved all of the attachments back in the database for now until I can solve this problem.
Hi, Does anyone has the same problem to not been able to see the pictures? All I get is a message. Wolf
Re: webwolf: Alrighty. So, the problem wasn't with the attachments in the database, but more likely with the controls I've been trying to put in place to prevent people from using this server as a host for their own images (and then putting the images in their own web pages). This creates problems because it slows down the forums, yet there's no real benefit to anyone here. I'll see if I can figure out what I've done wrong...
why don't you allow the "" operater? also, why isn't there a magnolia forum? you have alot of very nice magnolias at the gardens, unfortunatly, i haven't made it out this spring, and probably won't unless the late magnolias are especially spectacular. do you have magnolia 'daybreak out there? yesheh
Hi there yesheh, Sorry for the late reply - just getting back into things after a vacation. As for IMG tags, I'm concerned about three things: a) dead links to images (although the same can be said of hyperlinks to images) b) posting of images that are copyright elsewhere - it makes it slightly tougher to do, but again, they could be posted as attachments c) (the killer) insertion of massive images into threads causing long load times - the thumbnail system is quicker and neater, and works as a solution for now. That's not to say it won't change - depends on server abilities in the long term. As for a Magnolia forum, sure, why not?
Here's an example of why I'd prefer images be placed in attachments: From the Plant ID forum The value of the thread as a learning tool for anyone else who happens upon it is severely diminished.
Yes, I agree the taking down of the pics on another server is a problem to someone now wanting to look at that thread. Another issue is the moving around or taking down the links from other web sites some of us have provided in with our posts. Jim
Agreed. Also a reason why we've a preference for links to educational sites, knowing that once something goes online at an educational institution, it is less likely to disappear than at a commercial site.