Is there any way of getting to see everything that's been posted in the last day? If I click on 'new posts' a second time after even just a few minutes, everything has disappeared and I get "Sorry, no matches" - and I can't find the day's recent posts any more Thanks, Michael
Michael, I believe this has been instituted in the upcoming version of the software, which appears to me to be due out sometime in the next two weeks. I've tried the same task as you've described on the vBulletin software forums and it seems to work as you've requested.
As an aside: In the meantime, if you are using Mozilla Firefox (or a similar browser with tabbed browsing), you could click on "New Posts", then right-click on the links to the new posts with the option "Open Link in New Tab" - rinse and repeat for all of the updated threads. That way you won't miss any without causing too much clutter.
Thanks for the ideas, though they wouldn't have worked in the instance I was thinking of (I had to switch off the computer for a bit while moving some stuff)