Hi, Some more mystery plants in my yard... The leaves on this one made me think of Solomons Seal but that's where the similarity ends. Sorry, I forgot my yard stick for the picture but it grows close to the ground and the blooms are about 4" in diameter. I'm fairly certain this is a weed, but would like to know what it is because it seems to irritate the skin. Thanks in advance for your help!
kind of looks like a vetch species. Though I never saw a vetch species that has those same yellow flowers
1. Definitely Hypericum. A shrub. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=H...Q&biw=1091&bih=525&sei=8y38T5uuMMr28gPdm5yyBw
Thank you...yes, the first one is Hypericum, (can you believe that I had never seen st. John's wort before?) but I can't pin down which of the 400 species it is. The one I have is more of a ground cover and the flowers are 4" across and resemble a pinwheel (rather than a buttercup) and I haven't been able to match the leaves and flowers to any one picture. I guess that's the problem with images posted on Google...people label them without being 100% certain so you end up with several visibly different plants with the same name. It's not a very good tool for plant id. The second one is either Pacific or Fendlers Waterleaf. I was sure it was a weed but it must have been something else that caused the skin irritation.
You don't have to check the world-wide list of species. Assuming this is a wild plant, check the USDA list of 76 Hypericum species with corresponding distribution maps: http://plants.usda.gov/java/profile?symbol=HYPER Of this list, only 7 are listed for BC. If this is a garden plant, it gets more complicated, though. You need to refer to a list of popular garden species. Dave's Garden site, for example, would be useful for this: http://davesgarden.com/sitewidesearch.php?q=hypericum Regarding Google images, there is definitely lots of misidentified pictures. If in doubt, stick to the reputable sites like CalPhotos (http://calphotos.berkeley.edu/), Missouri Botanical Garden (http://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/), etc.