New to this handy forum! We have a few garden beds at our new place and I have a lot to learn -- I'm not sure if what we have growing are actually weeds and should be removed -- hopefully I've attached the images correctly. Any advice will be greatly appreciated! :)
Welcome to the forums! 1. ? 2. ? 3. Centaurea montana. centaurea montana - Google Search 4. Myosotis sp...Forget me not. Myosotis - Google Search 5. Rumex...common name dock. A weed. rumex - Google Search 6. Geranium sp or named cultivar. hardy geranium pink flowers - Google Search
1 - Looks worryingly like a Calystegia bindweed. 2 - Daphne laureola. A very rare native for me, an invasive shrub for you. Agree with Silver on the rest.
The Centaurea have lovely flowers and are exceedingly easy to grow, but be aware they will seed themselves all over. They are easy enough to pull. I grow it, but I try to trim off the flowers before they set seed, so I don't get too many seedlings. You should get rid of the Daphne. It will have a very strong root. They are difficult to pull. If you want a daphne, there are much better choices.
I'd be delighted to have the Daphne! But then, it's a declining and endangered native here, not an invasive weed.