Thanks to anyone who can identify these pink colored flowers. There are just 2 total flowers on that long stem. They look lily-like. It just bloomed this week, sort of as a surprise out of nowhere. Location is the Southern California coast. Take care
Bingo! Thanks much. It must be Amaryllis belladonna! I saw some pics on Wikipedia that look just like it and the description fit. I goofed-----actually there are more than 2 flowers. I guess it can produce quite a bunch eventually. Among other common names (incl. Naked Lady!), it can be called "Jersey Lily" and "Lily Langtry". Amusing stuff.
Crosses with other genera can be similar. Deciding it must be the Amaryllis should be based on specific anatomical features that distinguish it from its hybrids rather than photos showing plants generally like yours.
I believe you have an Amaryllis belladonna, common name is belladonna lilly or we called them naked ladies.