I picked up this seed pod from a bush while visiting a friend in Orcutt, California just north of Santa Barbara. The pod had not completely dried out so I put it in a container and closed the lid. A fews days ago I noticed the holes in the seed pod has opened and what appeared to be very small seeds came out. Can anyone identify the plant it comes from. If I recall this came from a bush by the side of a parking lot. The seed pod is 1 inch (2.5 cm) long and is 5/8 inch (1.6 cm) wide. Thanks to all. Happy holidays.
I don't think this is from a magnolia tree. It was on a bush plant approx 3 feet tall. There were dozens of these seed pods scattered throughout the bush. Not only one bush plant but about 10 of them lined up along the walkway. All with these seed pods. Thanks I am still searching the web for its identity. I wish I would have taken a picture of the plant.
Can your friend send photos of the plant? The whole plant, and a closeup showing the branching arrangement. Were these in landscape, appearing to have been deliberately planted? These look sort of like Cornus kousa fruits, but I don't know that they would dry like this or that there would be 3 feet tall shrubs of that, and the seeds don't look quite like the two photos I found. I have a vague memory of seeing something, maybe on Botany Photo of the Day, that I thought looked like Cornus kousa fruits but was not. I can't imagine being able to find that now.
How about email with pix to the SB botanical garden. The Santa Barbara Botanic Garden | Conservation of California Native Plants
So many creative avenues to pursue . . . I've been searching 'interesting seed pods in California shrubs' to no avail. Such fun!
I was thinking we need to ask a local Santa Barbara bird or rat - they’d likely know In all seriousness, I looked at the low water use pamphlet from SB botanic garden in which many shrubs are listed — plus of course I imagine the city bylaws require “Firesmart” plants (in addition to “waterwise” https://www.sbbg.org/sites/default/files/pdfs/plant_booklet_web_optimized.pdf