Could anyone help me finding out the name of this flower? It's about 3-4" tall and blooming now. Looks like it's taking over our lawn and we need to find out how to get rid of it in certain spots. Thanks, Marina
It looks like Scilla siberica.
If these were in my lawn, I would dig up and transplant them into a more appropriate area, and then enjoy their lovely spring color. Only as a last result would I chose to attempt the use of an herbicide. Chemical control can be difficult, and not only that, but some products are dangerous to use. Acclaim, used on cool season turf (which I assume you have) and suggested for similar weeds, has acute aquatic toxicity and has been found to cause reproductive and developmental harm (birth defects). Other selective herbicides may be safer and quite possibly not effective. I would opt for digging! Maybe invite some boy or girl scouts to come out and dig up some free flower bulbs...