Hello! I am new here and hope someone can help ID this plant which is growing in Hawaii. I have seen this growing in Mexico (and I think even Florida). A friend living in Hawaii sent me this photo and wanted to know if could find the name of this tree. I can't tell from the photo, but I think this has a seed pod that looks like a sweet pea pod. Thanks for your help! Lucia
It's in the Fabaceae (ie it's a legume), but without a more detailed photo it will be tough to say which one.
I agree that a closeup is needed for a proper ID, but maybe Tabebuia chrysantha: http://toptropicals.com/pics/garden/2004/3/3454.jpg
Could also be Tecoma stans, looking closer. The Tabebuias almost without exception drop their leaves when they flower, and this has kept its. Compare bloom shape and leaf shape - Tecoma has imparipinnate oblate leaves, as this appears to, and the flower habit, colour, and structure (as far as I can make out) are quite similar.