I purchased the plant in the photo as an annual, but it has grown into what looks to me like a shrub, with woody stems (the largest about 1/2 inch in diameter now) and now measuring about three feet tall by three feet across. I have no idea what this plant is; when I took a sample to the local garden centre, the resident expert said she didn't know what it was either, but she thought it must be an annual because it's "too pretty" to be a perennial--it has been flowering continuously since I planted it, which I think is mostly what she meant. Does anyone know what I have growing in my garden??? Is it an annual or a perennial? Does it have a name? (I'm in southern Ontario, if that has any bearing on whether or not this plant is an annual or a perennial for me.) Thanks for any information. Magee
Thanks! Ron B and CcDry, thanks so much for your help! You're right; once I had a name, I checked at the Daves Garden database and sure enough, there was my plant. It alarms me, though, that I have poisonous nightshade growing in my garden--we are finally fencing our yard so our dogs can go outside alone, so I hope they don't chew on it. And if I overwinter it inside, I guess I'd better keep it in a closed room, or it will be the last plant my cats ever chew on! Anyway, thanks again.
If you are growing potato or tomato plants, these are also poisonous nightshades. Many other popular garden plants, such as rhododendrons and pieris are poisonous as well.