Last week, I stopped to see the Darlingtonia bog at the botanical trail along Hy. 199 in far north California. There were lily resembling flowers. I didn't think they were of Darlingtonia californica. But, the brochure at the site, asked a question to visitors, if they saw the lily-like flowers in the bog, and that they were those of Darlingtonia. Among several other flowers listed on the brochure, no other lilies were indicated. So the brochure led me to believe that the flowers were Darlingtonia - I've never seen their flowers before. Anyhow, seaching the internet at home, I'm quite certain the lily-like flowers that I photographed, must be different from Darlingtonia californica. That also makes me scratch my head why the other lily resembling plant is not on the brochure, because its very striking. It also was growing only in the bog itself, and nowhere else. Does anybody know what this lily like flower is, from the Darlingtonia bog? flower For the lily you need a regional flora or guidebook that has all the species native to the region - if someone viewing this doesn't come out with it.
The plants on the left of the first photo are Darlingtonia californica. The red flowers are Lilium....I agree that it's probably L. pardalinum as the habitat is correct.
I sure appreciate the help. Not only for photo captions, but I like to know what these nifty wildflowers are. Today, I called the recreation area's office and suggested that they include the lily on their brochure, considering that there are two "lily" plants in the bog with similar colors.