need help with these three, please

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by butterfly1963, Jul 3, 2008.

  1. butterfly1963

    butterfly1963 Member

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    Picayune, MS USA
    1. One is an anthurium grown from seeds I collected myself. It spent years growing in the wrong medium. It is about six years old. And is finally coming into it's own.
    I was told the anthurium I took the seeds from was a hookeri.

    2. Another is a palm put into the ground five years ago that is also just now, this year starting to grow. It is about 2 1/2 foot tall. It had scale this year. Seems to be gone.

    3. The other I was told is a ginger. It is just now starting to grow. Not for the year, from being brought home and potted up.

    Need more pictures? Send me an email.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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  2. butterfly1963

    butterfly1963 Member

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    Picayune, MS USA
    I just thought of something else. The 'ginger' is growing from a scaly ?rhizome? or ?tuber? looks like a large (under an inch) achemenes ?rhizome?/?tuber?. And it was growing very close to the surface.
    I apologize for my ignorance when it comes to tubers and rhizomes.
    I've a mental block or something, I can NEVER remember which is which.
    Thank you for any help.
    Guess I should also say the two (ginger and palm) are growing outside in South Mississippi. The ginger was under an oak tree in the ground, now under a tallow tree in pots. The palm is in full sun til 1PM or so when the sun passes over the house and it gets shady where it is planted.
    God bless,
  3. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    May have to get the flower before the anthurium can be determined. There are aroid enthusiasts coming to this site, maybe try an aroid forum here (anthuriums are aroids). At the moment it seems to me the palm may have too many slender frond divisions for a Chamaerops (a commonly grown one of similar general aspect, including often having a grayish or silvery appearance), there are palms native to your region I am not familiar with.

    The other wouldn't be a ginger as in ginger family (Zingiberaceae), those have sword-shaped leaves.
  4. edleigh7

    edleigh7 Well-Known Member

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    Brisbane Queensland Australia
    I agree with Ron that we would need to see photo's of the spathe and spadix and possibly berries
    Compare with this

  5. saltcedar

    saltcedar Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Austin, Tx
  6. butterfly1963

    butterfly1963 Member

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    Picayune, MS USA
    Wow, thank you Chris, Ed and Ron!
    I knew the anthurium probably wasn't hookeri. I read a post or page about anthuriums unknown just being labeled as hookeri.
    The ?spathe? or flower I got the seeds from did NOT look like the one in the link you gave me Ed. So how do I get it to flower. I guess I have some more reading to do... :-) I love doing research.
    Do anthuriums come true from seed. That is, is this one going to be like the parent plant?
    It was at a nursery I worked at years ago. It made huge white things like the one in the picture that is purple. They were MUCH bigger, as big around as my 8yr olds arm. and the berries were red. I know you can't tell me from this.
    I liked it because of it's huge size.
    Thank you Chris! A poppy...hmmm....nice 'ginger'...chuckle...
    And thank you for the palm.
    Ron, the palm isn't native. I bought it many years ago for around 60$. It was supposed to be dwarf something or other.
    I'm sure it is in my notes somewhere. I used to make copious notes. Just, OMGosh!! Going thru all those notes is a daunting task and with the four children, there just doesn't seem enough time in the day... :-)
    Thank you all very much for taking the time to look and do the links and answer my questions.
    I'm deeply grateful.
    God bless,
  7. butterfly1963

    butterfly1963 Member

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    Picayune, MS USA
    And my daughter just reminded me, I completely forgot. When we were gathering them from the ladies garden and then potting them up, they bled orange.
    That might have helped...sorry...CRS don't cha know.. chuckle..
    comes with age... and to much to do...
    Thank you again,
    God bless,
  8. edleigh7

    edleigh7 Well-Known Member

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    Brisbane Queensland Australia
    Beth, getting it to flower is, from my understanding, an age thing, so patience is the key there. The big one you saw are the big birds nest type anthurium. That link I gave you, just have a look around Steve's site, it is very educational.

  9. butterfly1963

    butterfly1963 Member

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    Picayune, MS USA
    Hi Ed,
    Yes, I've found a WEALTH of info on
    It is the most informative I've found on aroids.
    I've read, reread, bookmarked and printed stuff for further reading from that site.
    I've already sent links to that site to three other people.
    I've discovered some people don't like to actually know what they are selling. They'd prefer to know it as what they say it is and don't want knowledge. I'm on earth for as much knowledge as I can cram into my pea brain. :-) In my short time here on earth.
    I will be learning til the day I leave here...
    Might I ask you a question I haven't found an answer to as of yet?
    Ok, I'm going to ask it anyway, before you yeah or nay it.
    I've 'heard' but not found info on cloning of monstera delaciosa(sp?) variegated. I was told it reverts to green when cloned. Thus making it a highly sought after plant. As it can only be propagated via cuttings. What about seeds? Is the clone thing correct?
    Is it a virus that gives it the variegation?
    Maybe I should post these questions on the aroid board?
    Thank you for your time,
    God bless,
  10. edleigh7

    edleigh7 Well-Known Member

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    Brisbane Queensland Australia
    Aroid board, good idea : ) Post them there

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