I bought a house recently in Nebraska, and has a yard with different plants. I really don't know much about plants, so I don't know if what I have are ornamental plants or weeds. Most of them don't have flowers (at least at this time of the year), making harder its identification. I will post some pictures and hope to get your help identifying the plants to decide if I should keep them or remove them. Here is a first group. Thanks
first one looks like a clematis. if it just got done blooming then it's probably the one called 'autumn something' sorry! i just drew a complete blank on the full name! if it's the one i'm thinking of the seed pods are long and thin and twist. very interesting pods! third pic - the little purplish flower looks similar to vinca. not sure if that or the other thing in the pic is what you're looking for an id on. fourth pic looks like hollyhock. last one sure is pretty! i have no idea what it is tho!
In the secound picture not the main plant but the plant to the left sure looks like loosestrife. Loosestrife can be invasive if not kept under control. Best to turf it if thats what it is.
no, i don't think any of them would be considered weeds in your area. that possible loosestrife that greg noted could be considered such in your area - not sure, tho.