I'm not sure if this is a Sorbus or I might be wrong entirely. Can someone help me identify this plant?
He means that Rowan is a European species which is being invasive in Canada, with bird-sown seedlings appearing in places where they shouldn't be.
Frequently planted and commonly naturalized on both sides of the Cascade Mountains, both in moist and dry climates. As with Acer platanoides, Hedera helix, Ilex aquifolium, Prunus laurocerasus etc. on down the list intentional planting should be discontinued.
Canada is a big place, so is BC. Couldn't find the info about Sorbus Aucuparia being invasive in the Okanagan. It would find it difficult to survive in the Okanagan hot and dry climate. Personally have never seen it there. According to E-Flora BC "Sorbus aucuparia is considered an emerging invasive species in the Vancouver region by the Greater Vancouver Invasive Plant Council (2009). An emerging invasive is defined by them as: currently found in isolated, sparse populations but are rapidly expanding their range within the region. It is already well-established in the Fraser Delta." If I am wrong re. the Okanagan, could you, please, direct me to the reliable source of information?
Simple precautionary principle: if a species has shown itself to be invasive repeatedly in many areas with differing climates, it is likely to be so elsewhere too. You don't want to get left with the guilt of being the source of its new invasion.
So, if I understand well, the info supplied by Ron B.: "Actually a weed in this region" (Kelowna) is inaccurate? Or, may be by "this region" you meant the area you live in, Ron? Kind of confusing.
Plenty of spontaneous seedlings competing with native trees and shrubs on undeveloped land in Leavenworth, WA. Planted examples in the interior often look more happy than those over here.