Hi, I’ve relocated to the desert for a while and the other day I came across a rather spectacular shrub. It was covered in yellow fragrant blossoms and I have no idea what kind of plant it might be. I took some photos of it and posted them here http://www.epiphytes.net/Desert Plants.htm Any help would be appreciated, Thanks, Epiphytes
It's definitely leguminous (i.e., a member of the legume family, related to peas and beans). I'll try to find the time to figure it out later, unless someone beats me to it. Love those desert skies.
With the flowers being fragrant check out spartium junceum(spanish broom) if they were not fragrant then check out Sytisus scaparius ( scotch broom). Just an idea. I lost my darn specs so the pics are a little blurry. chow