I've got this growing in my garden, and it's interesting enough to want to keep it, but don't have a clue what it is. It is a perennial, as this is the second year it's been here. I'm attaching a picture. I have not seen any colored petals on the flowers, so either I've had bad luck, or it doesn't ever have flower petals. The browner "puffs" in the foreground are the younger blooms, and the white, cottony, puffs, with heads tipped down, are the older ones. Thanks in advance!
The "puffs" are the seed heads of a pasque flower. Pustilla vulgaris is the older name, now listed as an Anemone. It blooms quite early, usually with petals of white or pink to reddish purple.
Thank you SOO much!! This was really starting to get to me. We must simply be missing the blooms, but now will know to look for them early next spring. Once you identified the plant, I was able to find a picture of the seed heads at http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Pulsatilla_vulgaris. Thanks again! Heather