Need advice on soil for replanting wollemia nobilis

Discussion in 'Araucariaceae' started by neonrider, Dec 20, 2008.

  1. neonrider

    neonrider Active Member

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    Columbiaâ„¢, Southâ„¢ Carolinaâ„¢, USAâ„¢
    Hello everyone! Peace be upon you. Could someone advise what soil to use to replant WOLLEMIA NOBILIS (Wollemi Pine) into a larger pot? I bought "SPHAGNUM PEAT MOSS". Should I mix 50% of it with any kind of soil? Last time I planted wolemia in a regular soil outdoors and it d(r)ied. I am in Zone 8A (South of Columbia, SC, USA) Perhaps it was too young, or it was too cold, too little or too much water or the wrong soil. Please advise exactly what soil to use and where to buy it. Thanks very much in advance for your advice!

    P.S. Update: I bought it on the internet from National Geographic. Their instructions are not sufficient as to exactly what soil product to use. They describe the soil to be used as "fast-draining professional potting mix" and a "good-quality potting mix" also "well drained fertile site and slightly acid soil, with a pH range 5.5 to 6". Also they mention "products that include cocopeat". So I guess Peat Moss is not the same? Can I use that Sphagnum Peat Moss as well? Being a novice that doesn't help much. If someone in USA knows what commercial product to buy that would be great help.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2008
  2. Chungii V

    Chungii V Active Member

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    Hervey Bay Australia zone 10/11
    Re: Wollemia nobilis...any news on timeline for U.S. sales?

    Hi all,
    I am not sure how it is organised overseas but here there is a pretty strict guideline for nurseries selling the Wollemi Pine in Australia.
    First the Nursery needs to apply to have the plant. If they are cleared the next step is staff training in care and maintenance where 1 or 2 staff members are selected to get a quick crash course. The nursery is required to constantly stock a certain amount of each size and also hold potting mixes, fertiliser and any other requirements for the plant. They are also asked to perform specific forms of advertising.
    This has been enough to make it 'too much of a hassle' according to most Nursery owners I've spoken to because you can't simply order the plants in. It's been frustrating to say the least with customers asking for them and having to turn them away because yet again the boss isn't interested. I know that locally the plant is not available here unless you go for a 2 hour drive; and it's not a lack of nurseries. Pretty sad considering how special the plant is.
    As to what soils to use etc. go see the place you bought the plant from. They should have all the extra goodies you need. (I have definitely seen bags of potting mix and other products being specifically produced for the Wollemi)
    Oh yeah, if your plant is not tagged or numbered then it's possible that it should not have been sold to you!
  3. jimmyq

    jimmyq Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Metro Vancouver, BC, Canada.

    Or maybe it just isn't meant to grow on this side of the planet? ;-)

    The potted ones I have seen around here seem to be in a fairly well drained potting soil, if in doubt err on the side of too much drainage, its easier to add water than remove it if it doesnt drain fast enough.
  4. Chungii V

    Chungii V Active Member

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    Hervey Bay Australia zone 10/11
    Contact the place you bought it from they should be able to direct you to a Wollemi potting mix, which has been specifically manufactured for the Wollemi Pine to be sold with them.
  5. Wolvie150

    Wolvie150 Active Member

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    Kansas, USA
    I appologize if this site is off the mark, I just saw it. The site seems fairly pertainant and somewhat researched, but may be a little biased towards the organization that is sponsoring it. If someone has the time and focus and wherewithall, could you give me a heads-up? (site name and addy same)

  6. Millet

    Millet Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Denver,Colorado USA
    Congratulations on having a Wollemi pine. The Wollemi pine is one of the most threatened plants on Earth, but it is a highly versatile and easy tree to grow. It tolerates heat, cold, full sun and shade, as well as different types of soils. It is the ultimate survivor, having out lived both the dinosaurs, and its contemporaries in the plant kingdom. In the United States the Wollemi is hardy to USDA Zone 7. In colder zones it may be grown outside in summer months, then brought inside during winter and grown as a house plant. The tree can be maintained in a pot almost indefinitely. Wollemi pine trees prefer a well drained fertile medium that is slightly acid, with a pH range of 5.5 to 6. When selecting a potting mix most any high quality potting mix is adequate. Water only when the top inch or two of the potting mix becomes dry, most likely every one or two weeks. When watering make sure to thoroughly soak the soil. Do not over water or leave the pot sitting in a saucer of water for extended periods. Use a slow release LOW PHOSPHORUS granular fertilizer, or feed with a low phosphorus liquid fertilizer regularly for optimized growth. As the tree grows, if pruning is required, prune the tree only during the winter months. Indoors the tree should be placed in a well-lit position preferably near a window or doorway. As with all indoor trees, the Wollemi pine tree occasionally needs to be placed outdoors in a sheltered, shaded area. It is recommended this be done for one week out of ever month when the temperature is above freezing. Good luck to this special tree. - Millet
  7. jimmyq

    jimmyq Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Metro Vancouver, BC, Canada.
    May I ask why?
  8. Chungii V

    Chungii V Active Member

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    Hervey Bay Australia zone 10/11

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