I have come across this flower the last 4 springs and no one seems to know what it is, so I am looking for help.I stopped and talked to the lady , where the flower bed is and she told me that the flowers have been there for 40 yrs now, or more, they come up every spring , the bed has not gotten any bigger or smaller.I will post some pictures that I took to see if some one can help me name it..Thanks
Fritillaria imperialis: http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/potd/2007/03/fritillaria_imperialis_rubra_1.php
Thank-you so very much..Now I need to try and find out where I can obtain the bulbs from..No one around here seems to know even what the plant was, so I am sure none of the Nurseries carry it..Any suggestions??
The bulbs are generally planted in the fall, so it may be difficult to find them now. However in Autumn they are more widely available and can be mail-ordered if you can't source them locally.