This was found in the Adirondacks and is flowering at this time. It is in a conifier forest near a lake. Altitude between 555 and 650 ft. Would like to know what it is. cannot find in any of the books that i have. Thanks Well the New York botanical garden identified it as did the Vermont Wildflower Garden(charlotte Vt) as Prenanthes altissima (tall rattlesnake root.) thanks to all.
Hi, I think your plant is possibly one of the honeysuckles; family Caprifoliaceae, genus Lonicera. If so there are quite a few choices and I was unable to pin it down to a species from your photograph. But I'm not really certain so if someone comes up with a better idea I'll certainly bow to that. Harry
I'm not certain about Caprifoliaceae. I don't see any opposite leaves on the plants - then again, I don't have a better suggestion right now.
this is not a vine. It is a free standing single isolated plant, but I do not know much about honeysuckles.