Greetings, we are new to this thread so pls forgive if we dont immediately provide required details. We are also in SE MN, not pacific so I hope U can still provide advice. In just a few weeks, a mystery vine appeared and totally engulfed our corncrib and nearby tree so whereas U cannot see either one (or know that there are two objects there), plus a nearby fence. I have looked up all of the vines that have white flowers, including silver lace but so far, have found no match, either the flowers or the leaves are wrong. I have attached 2 pics but can add more (example: far away of the extent of growth and underside of leaves) if it would be helpful. The two I included are close ups of the leaves, flowers and stems. Many thanks for sharing your expertise! :) michelle
Thanks for posting this, @zonkers, and for the ID, Tyrlych. I found the Echinocystis - Wikipedia writeup interesting.
Many thanks for the ID, Tyrlych! We very much appreciate knowing what it is and what to do about it. It seems that it is running crazy in our area this year!