I see this shrub in the Lower Mainland in older yards. It has small red/orange berries and upright new leaves.
I will check for this. Otherwise I think I will have to try semi hardwood cuttings in the fall. I am from Ontario so not sure how this will work in BC. Had a little greenhouse back in Ont. Thanks!
You could also try the seeds. Cotoneaster is a weed genus in this region, with dozens of species having been recorded coming up on their own.
Thanks for the info. I see these shrubs as I'm driving around so I'll have to make note of the streets and look for the fruit when it is ripe. Jean
May well be Cotoneaster × watereri (C. salicifolius × C. frigidus) - very common in the nursery trade in UK at least.
Thanks. It seems to have been in common use here in BC ( Vancouver area) but is not popular at the moment. I have not seen it listed in any nurseries, nor seen it on newer properties.
Have not seen this so far with any Cotoneaster in the region, even though a few such as C. rehderii are prevalent.
C. salicifolius should be available through local retail nurseries, although you may need to order it. At least one wholesale nursey around Aldergrove sells it.