Can anyone identify this mystery plant which has sprung up and spread quickly in one section of my garden. It has green leaves which have red, serrated edges; it has reddish stems that are hollow. It is currently between 0.4-1m high and currently shows no sign of buds / flowers. Any ideas anyone?
Similar to a Strobilanthes, but I can't find any one that looks like this. They mainly seem purple to the interior of the leaf, whereas this is red one the outside of the leaf. This is growing in the UK (very near the coast). Any other ideas?
looks like this awful weed we have here in canada called rumex crispus,rumex occidentalis or in that family, which has a variety of red coloured leaves. when left in full sun the entire leaves turn a red colour. they are found in waste places, along road sides and water.(tidal marshes and drift wood beach zones) its called dock by its common name.and is a member of the buckwheat family. ..just a guess
Welcome to the forums Lottiey. Impatiens glandulifera. The scourge of the British countryside. An invasive alien plant. The seed pods are explosive when touched. glandulifera-seedling-13-05-09.jpg