I have photographs in my archive which I identified as a Lithosporum officinale. As I have added photographs, which I found in files still remaining to be identified, i) Lithosporum officinale. I already have L. arvensis. What then is my mystery L. what a problem? The first set of photographs, which I will send this morning, are without flowers but the white pearl like fruit are fully visible. The form of the foliage is similar to that of L. officinale but with only 1 centre vein visible on the top face of the leaves. My newly found photographs of L.officinale, complete with inflorescence, are not quite the same. I am certain that it is a Boraginaceae taxa. I consulted my copy of Adriano Fiori's Iconografia Florae Italicae, which shows in the black and white illustration, that the base leaves are, as in my newly found photographs are identical, but the form of the upper leaves are identical to those in my old file. Sandro Pignatti in his 3 volume work entitled, Flora d'Italia has only 1 Lithospernum listed, not even L. arvensis is listed! I would like to make a new thread showing 2 photos of L.officinale, 2 photos of L.arvensis, and the other photographs which have become my mystery L. Can I send on my thread 1 photo each of officinale and arvensis , and the 4 or 5 photographs of L. mystery plant just for comparison.
Lithosporum officinale first 2 photographs and L. arvensis, 2 photographs for comparison with my mystery L.
Lithospermum purpurocaeruleum / syn. Buglossoides purpurocaerulea "Flora d'Italia has only 1 Lithospernum listed, not even L. arvensis is listed" I'm sure it is listed, but under a different name, check Buglossoides arvensis! Nevertheless they look similar, B. purpurocaerulea and B. arvensis belong (currently) to the Buglossoides genus, while L. officinale still belongs to the Lithospermum genus.
Thanks Lila, I considered that they were listed under a different heading, no knowing which one only made it more difficult. However, do you agree that it is a Lithosporum? I will check under the name of Lithosporum pururocaerulum. Does this sp. have white pearl like fruit similar to those in my photographs? Now I will need to do a little research. Thanks a million!
Yes Lila, You are quite right. Buglossoides purpurocaerrulea, which I already have. B. arvensis is lacking in my archive.
"B. arvensis is lacking in my archive." Lithospermum arvense and Buglossoides arvensis are the same! They are synonym names, but currently Buglossoides is the valid name for this species.
"I will check under the name of Lithosporum pururocaerulum. Does this sp. have white pearl like fruit similar to those in my photographs?" Yes: Képgaléria - B. purpurocaerulea (L.) I.M. Johnston - erdei gyöngyköles