Hi All, Does anyone know of a business that buys/moves monkey puzzel trees? I have at least 7 (that I've found so far, there could be more) that must go. My property is heavily treed and these poor guys are disappearing in the understory when they should be specimen trees in a grand front yard. I don't want to just cut them down... the catch... I live on the northern most part of Vancouver Island. I would be willing to donate them to a botanical/public garden. Looking for ideas... thanks, gringamuyloca
Hola gringamuyloca, No takers on the trees? Moving large trees is very difficult and costly. How big are the trees? Just curious, why do you want to remove them? Sounds like the other trees are outgrowing them and they will not survive where they are, but that happens in nature.
Dear Mr. Grin. One, contact a few local tree nurserys, put an ad in the paper or removal isn't so hard (depending on size), trees and shrubs are moved all the time, (depending on your ability). Also there is a Monkey Puzzle .org in the works in Seattle maybe they would have an idea. Why not save them.
Life is so ironic-I live in Vancouver Washington and posted a plea for help in saving my monkey tree from the power company. I have lost my battle and they will be removing it against my will. So you might call your power company and ask who they use since a lot of power companys use contractors to do this work now. Too bad you can't save them, they are such interesting and magnificant trees
My Monkey Puzzle Trees STILL must go Well here we are.. July and still no takers..must be because I live in Port Hardy? The trees vary in size, from approx 3 feet to 10 feet tall. They WILL be coming out the middle of August.. in pieces..aarrrrrrrrgggggg! Please, if anyone would like one or more of these trees, there are here for the taking..
Hi Gringa, I like Monkey Puzzles very much. How many hours does it take to drive from Nanaimo to Port Hardy? I would consider a trip. What is the absolute last day? Thanks.
Hi neobb, It is approx 5 hours from Nanaimo to Port Hardy. The excavator is to show up the third week of August.. but we all know how well laid plans of mice, men and women work out so it could even be a little later that that. I will be honest and say that removing them will not be an easy task, as the smaller ones are growing in the understory of my deciduous forest and I imagine the roots are all intertwined, but for some elbow grease they are free for the taking.... please do Thanks, Tamara