Between about 1997 and 2014 I lived on Ruxton Island. It is unserviced, which just means that if you want or need something, then you had better do it for yourself. I started with an untouched lot on the waterfront which faced south west, about as ideal as you could get for a number of reasons, not the least of which was the incredible sunsets.. So here I will try and show you some of the progress that was made during those years once I had a cabin built to keep the rain off my head! I had neither a computer or digital camera until the end of 2008, so if you are wondering how I got ahead so quickly, it was simply because I had been there for 10 years already. The first two photos are approaching the entrance gate from the south end. The remainder are taken once you are inside the Japanese garden area. Hmm, I just noticed that other small bridge over the dry stream bed, I had forgotten about that one!
When you pass by the screen that appears on the extreme left of the last photo above, you will spot the small bridge. I seem to have done a rather dismal job of getting enough photos to choose from, so apologies for that. The J maple in the middle of the photo is one of many that I grew from seed.
It must have been very difficult to leave all this behind Keith. It is such a lovely tranquil setting you and Val created. I'm glad you have recovered some photos. They will be on here now for eternity, so never lost again.
Moving a little further back you will note that almost all of these plantings are very immature, but you have to start somewhere. This is what you see when you turn around.
Oh, it never fails does it? Now I find a photo looking right through the gate. Hiding in plain sight!
Those moon windows are just amazing Keith. They give a totally different perspective to the garden. They enclose, but open it up, all at the same time. Very well planned indeed.
Thank you Acerholic. To answer your question, yes and no. Firstly, it is a monumental amount of work when you are living full time on an unserviced island, especially when you had such insane ambitions as I did. It's far more suited to a younger person. Given that I was on the high side of 70 when I left..... But, yes, having to leave that garden and all that I had done was definitely not the easiest thing to do. I will never have the least intention of going back there to see what the place looks like now, as I really don't know how I might handle that.
If you check post #4 and look right through the gate, you can just see this screen. Trying to get things into perspective for you.
@Keith Elliott, I'm so full of admiration of what you achieved Keith. Your attention to detail is what makes this a perfect space that the Japanese would applaud. But as you say, it's not a good idea to go back, but just have your memories and photos and I am so pleased you found this forum to share what you did. Good night D
If you have read any of my few posts regarding the small bridge, then you know that I have lost almost all the photos from Ruxton Island over a period of many years. However, today (May 18, 2021) I asked Val if she might have some photos on her phone. She has produced quite a few of the Japanese style garden, so I am now in a position to add a few more. They probably won't be in any particular order, just how they came off her phone. Hopefully you may enjoy the fruits of my labours. I'm afraid to say that last photo is a totally gratuitous pic of the house, built single handedly, largely from salvaged logs out of the ocean, over a period of 15 or so years.
My apologies if some of these photos have been posted on the "Cheering ourselves up with Maples", started by Acerholic. It's just that my memory is only about that long.
Interesting comment you made about finding this forum. I was a member for some time while I was on Ruxton. There was a lady there, Mary Hughes, who lived just a few lots south of us. She told me that she was a moderator on this very forum prior to the time that I joined. Amazing what you find out when you have at least a passing interest in plants!
This is officially the last photo from Ruxton. Here we are about half way across on the crossing from Ruxton to Boat harbour.
Funny you should say that. When I first started the old DIY thread, I took a photographic walking tour over part of Ruxton. As you know, those old photos are no longer working properly now. Incidentally, do you have a source for small J maples anywhere near where you are? We were in Art Knapps in Kamloops some time ago looking, but the prices were prohibitive. Looks like I might have to start begging for seeds and start right from scratch again!
Well, er...golly gosh, gee whiz...thank you very much. Now I look forward to building a brand new J garden!
Well, of course. Not only that, but I can always call on Val to keep the photos up to date even when I get too busy with the building thereof. I am now advised that we may go in to Salmon Arm this afternoon, and if that is the case we will visit Pedro's. Ostensibly they just sell produce, but they also have a smallish plant section. Last year they had some larger J maples, but they had been neglected something terrible. Maybe if there is something nicer today I will see if one can follow me home. You just never know! Mustn't forget the camera this time....and use the darned thing.