Hi... I live in Chilliwack, and have found six or seven, what I believe to be, Lentinus detonsus, growing on a live Maple tree... I can’t find very much on the Internet, and all I know is that they are usually in Mexico... Please have a look at them, and tell me what you think they are... Thanks... Rick Walker...
google Hi, I'll bet if you search "Google" using "image" link, you'll find it. Here's the page 1 link for mushroom images: http://images.google.com/images?q=mushrooms&hl=en&btnG=Google+Search
Need better photos and bigger too. What time of year did you collect? How was it attached to the tree and what part of the tree? Can you show a photo of one attached to the tree? It looks like you cut the stem base. Was it growing alone or in a cluster? Did you make a spore print? If so, what color was it? How do the gills attach to the stem or do they stay attached to the mushroom cap? (photo of that would help) What is the shape of the gills? A photo of a cap cut in half and splitting the stem lengthwise would show the shape of the gills. Does the stem separate from the cap easily? Is the stem hollow? Does it have a mushroom odor or does it smell like something else entirely? Does it bleed or excrude latex like fluid when the cap is broken? Does the color change when handled roughly? The gills of lentinus detonsus usually turn reddish brown when bruised. (squeeze the gills against the cap) Where the heck is Chilliwack? Remember, there are old mushroom hunters and there are bold mushroom hunters but there are no old bold mushroom hunters!