I need positive identification not only of many Moroccan plants but I'm also looking for a referral in order to identify insects that feed off of the plants. I take many photos of bees, butterflies and other insects (the occasional beetle as well as various flies) in their relationships with plants and hope to find someone knowledgeable to help in the identification process.
Dear Sundrop: I am hoping someone will provide the full Latin names for these plants. Not just family or common names. The fig, for example I suspect is a hybrid locally called a black fig. Of course I can see that #5 is an Arum species, but which one!
Hm... I have a strange déja vu feeling: http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=72075
Yes a few of these pictures were posted a year or two ago. I am hoping to get a second opinion on some. Others are new and awaiting identification. There are many many more to be uploaded but I'm hoping to get through the first batch since some of these are on display.
Saltcedar: Thanks for the Wiki link. I think you are correct in calling this a humilis. These trees are in an unusual location on top of a low mountain range near Algeria called the Beni Snassen. Not a part of the Middle Atlas but probably linked geologically to the Rif although quiet separate. The trees are at least 5 meters tall which must be a rare event these days. Located long from any human settlements in an area which has been partially designated as a National Park (but not within its borders as far as I can remember. Their age must be considerable. Dar Balmira
3: Cirsium acaule 4: Roemeria hybrida 6: Paronychia capitata 7: Probably Silene nocturna 9: Cistus albidus 10: Allium scorodoprasum ssp rotundum