More succulent plants from the pots in VanDusen. 1.This yellow maybe not succulent 2.No idea, this can be a conifer? 3. I was thinking about Mammillaria sp. on the right 4. Is this Senecio succulent?
# 2 is Crassula muscosa. I have some in my office. Very easy to grow. Let me know if you want a piece. Sometimes called princess pine (obviously not a good name) or called watch-chain--the resemblance seems clear. I think the first is probably a cactus like Hatiora or Rhipsalis.
# 4 looks very much like Sedum sp. There is Senecio at the bottom-right in the second picture : Senecio rowleyanus String-of-beads (I know, you didn't ask about that one ;-) )
I agree that the Cacti in the third picture looks like Mammillaria. I would like to add, for those who may be curious, that the big plant to the left of it is Agave victoria-reginae. Is not the world of succulents absolutely amazing?
Yes, it is absolutely amazing Thank you to everybody for attention to my post. I wish we could see in bloom all of these rare in our area plants.