Here are a couple more backyard plants needing ID. Thanks, and happy holidays! First plant has an odd odour. Second, possibly a holly? Third, leaves are similar to Picea pungens, but thinner.
1. hmm... odd odour... but what odour?! Not Petroselinum-odour? :) 2. yes, Ilex sp. 3. looks like a Picea glauca 'Conica'
Thanks Lila. Th odor is sorta minty + cilantro smell. It's pretty odd. I'm not sure if it would be in the Petroselinium genus due to the plants, what look like stolons (or maybe the branches are just like that), as it is all over the area where I took that pic.
Yesyes, Petroselinum was just a joke... because I don't know what plant is this. :((( Probably it is in the Geraniaceae family, some Erodium sp, or similar...
The first one seems very familiar...yet... How about Filipendula hexapetala for it? Edit: adding link; scroll down to F. hexapetala dried sample and click on it to enlarge:
the first one i don't know the true (latin) name for - i had one a while ago and bought it to repel mosquitos (which it did do). the common name may be mosquito plant. not sure - it's been over 5 years since i had it (i had it potted so i could bring it in for the winter as it wasn't hardy in my area).
Have you explored Lila's suggestion for the first plant - Erodium spp.? From your description of it being "all over" that area of your garden, it sounds like a "weedy" one, e.g. E. cicutarium.