Hi there I have recently gerninated and grown 7 monkey puzzle trees, all of then reaching about 7" in a year annd with at least 1 set of branches shooting out from stem, however I have noticed small brown marks or dots (about the size of a match head) on some of the leaves on one of my plants, the plant seems to be healthy and has fresh green growth at the tip of each branch. The plant is still in a tall pot (approx 10" in height) in sun light and I water only when soil feels dry, which is about once every 2 weeks and I occasionally use weak feed with the water. Are these marks anything to be concerned with on my young plants? Thank you in advance
Hi there, Sorry have tried to attach some photos of the plant, but I'm a bit of a ludite with computers, keeps coming up with an 'error on page' message when trying to attach, do you have any computer tips instead! Regards
I have had a monkey puzzle tree about a year now and the branches have just started to turn yellow and die, it is well drained any suggestions?