This tree grows in my yard on the SW coast of Jalisco, and I just cut and planted stem cuttings of a white version found in the forest. It flowers in the dry season and mine has leaves because it is in the irrigated lawn... It is not Calliandra, and it's wood and leaves are almost identical with Plumeria Obtusa, but the flower is radically different. Ideas?
Well there are something like 300 species. It's more that the flower and leaf-shape matches to some of the Inga trees I see here in Ecuador. A fruit might actually be the defining feature for your tree, whatever it is - or someone here more knowledgable than I will recognize it. I almost want to say it's Cruzcaspi, but the flower is the wrong colour. (That's Browneopsis spp and Brownea spp - the flower form and leaf shape match.)
thanx nailed it! i hope my stem cuttings will take with the white ones from the forest...the pink one got whacked last year by a sailing/falling coco frond and broke it's ok but not ready for cuttings. i think i'm going to like this site, as we are very busy trying to turn about 4 acres in tropical mexico into a great garden...and keep enough forage for our donkeys. thanx again