We were recently in Mexico (Mazatlan) visiting relatives and was so awestruck by the proliferation of, what we up in the North call, house plants ..on steroids. Anyway, I am cataloging the photos we took and would like to get some id's on a few plants. Appreciate the help in identifying the following first 3 species of 6. Thanks!
1. Looks like Spathodea campanulata. See.... http://images.google.co.uk/images?um=1&hl=en&q=spathodea+campanulata&btnG=Search+Images
1. I agree, definitely Spathodea campanulata. Very common boulevard trees down here. 2. Commonly called a Fan Palm or Traveler's Palm, but it's actually Ravenala madagascariensis and more closely related to Bananas and Heliconias. 3. Frangipani (Plumeria spp) It smelled great, no?
Thanks for your help in identifying these plants. It now completes my little slide show of our trip -- GardenPath