Hi, First time posting here. So be kind. I have a dogwood in my front yard that gets sun all day long. I live in Massachusetts. This dogwood is atleast 5 years old and looks well settled in. When I moved in two years ago the first summer we had a wonderfull white bloom of flowers. Last year nothing... this year... so far nothing and I am noticing other neighbors and homes around town with full blooms.... I am feeding the tree. Is there anything I can do? Also, the tree has mold or fungus growing up the trunk. Actually the entire neighborhood has it on their trees, but all of our trees seem to be not affected. I would equate this mold to lichen (as I learn in my biology class in college). Thoughts? Ideas? Help? Much appreciated! Craig
Dogwoods no Blooming in Massachusetts I have a very similar problem in Massachusetts. I planted three 6 or 7 foot pink dogwoods in the shade. The third year they bloomed profusely. For the subsequent thre years I have no flowers. they look very happy and healthy.