I'd love some help naming this magnolia. It has rosy purple flowers with a strong pleasant fragrance. The flowers are held at an angle and the tepals, eight in number are long and narrow, dark on the outside and much paler inside. It can't be something very unusual because it was bought here in south coastal B.C. a few years ago. It is striking in bloom because of the colour, the narrow tepals and the angle the flowers are held at. I should have taken a picture of the whole tree but all I have are flower pictures. Marilyn
chimera may well be correct, and it is one of the "Little girls" ....Ricky, Susan, Pinkie, Ann,Betty,Randy,Jane and Judy. However, ours have already finished flowering. Except Susan... but it has 6 tepals. I wonder if it might be Magnolia liliiflora Nigra. This is flowering with us now. It is one of the parents of the above. Colours are so difficult to judge from pics. May I suggest you go to a local garden that has named Magnolias, so that you can see for yourself which ones are flowering now, and compare yours colour wise.
One of the Kosar/de Vos hybrids, or a similar hybrid. M. liliiflora has a different tepal shape and flower orientation. This one is showing the influence of M. stellata in both.