Anyone on the is board that can recognize the difference between those Ericaceae plants? I have about 7 and I am not able to distinguish one from the other.
Yes as a general question before or even if I should post photos if nobody would have knowledge with these plants.
Here are two examples of Cavendishia: bracteata (1 foto) and quereme (2 fotos) and two Psammisias but I don't know the species.
I have the first one. the 2nd plant I have not seen. Do these 2 photos look like your 3rd plant. And if so. how do you distinguish between the 3 Macleania Cavendishia Psammisia
They do look like my 3rd plant photo but I don't have it nearby for actual comparison. Since you brought up Macleania that may be what my 4th plant is and not Psammisia. I can't give a good explanation on how to distinguish the genera. Hopefully some one else here can.