Background: Purchased a home from an elderly man whose deceased wife was clearly a gardener, but who let the yard get badly overgrown after she passed. Now I need to differentiate between what should go and what should stay, and I have NO plant experience whatsoever, so some of these may be super easy for you experts. Common names are fine. The following all seem to be intentional plantings: 1.) landscaped in front yard along driveway. Two smaller versions randomly found amongst a ton of debris and weeds in the back yard. 2.) also planted on front yard 3.) Rose bush? Definitely has prickers, though the blossoms are unimpressive. It is right along the front walk and the thorns have nabbed me in winter while shoveling and the pizza delivery guys. I've pruned it, but would rather have it moved to a safer location. 4.) A whole mess of these all over one of the old septic tank covers and nowhere else. Thanks!
#1 looks like another Hosta, also near the driveway, planted on the lawn. Everything we said in this thread applies. #3 is a rose. It might be nice to move and keep if it's fragrant.
# 1 Hosta. There is also another Hosta variety seen at the bottom-left in the second picture. # 3 Rose.