This plant was here when I moved in about a year ago. It was in the backyard positioned under a holly tree so it was getting part sun and part shade. I didn't take care of it but it always had lots of blooms on it. It has thorns and the flowers are a real pale pink. To me, they look like very small roses...the flower is about the size of a dime or a nickle in diameter. I decided to take up gardening this year...I have a lot to learn. I knew this plant thrived even with neglect so I moved it to the front of the house and cut it back. It's beginning to grow out again now. It becomes a little bush or shrub. I don't know how big if I actually take care of it. But it blooms so easily and profusely that I would love to know what it is so I could plant more. I live in Georgia, in the Atlanta suburbs where the soil is clay and, I believe, slightly acidic. I tried to get some shots of the actual flower and petals but I'm no photographer and I couldn't seem to get a clear shot without the flash (or no flash) blurring the detail. Do you know what this is?
It looks like a rose to me, too. Check your camera to see if it has a "macro" mode...the icon for it is usually a flower and these days most cameras and even smart phones have it. Using that mode with a steady hand should help you get some good shots of your blooms. :)