I planted it from a seed about 3 years ago. It dies back every winter. It grew about 3 feet in 3 years in a pot.
We looked on the internet concerning the mimosa tree but the leaf shape is slightly wrong. Each tiny leaf is much rounder on my plant.
Definitely not Mimosa, and probably not a legume at all. Compares well with [FONT=arial,sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Jacaranda mimosifolia[/SIZE][/FONT] (Bignoniaceae): http://www.cuyamaca.net/OH170/Plant_TNails_2/Jacaranda-mimosifolia--leaf.jpg http://tree-species.com/Jacaranda/Mimosifolia/images/Jacaranda Mimosifolia leaf.jpg http://www.botgard.ucla.edu/html/membgnewsletter/images/volume1/Jacarandaleaf3.jpg