There is this ground cover in the back where I work and I love it but can't figure out what it is. My co-worker says it is a weed but I am not sure. The description is as follows: It is a trailing cover and the leaves look like miniature ferns but don't get high at all. It would be extremely rare for it to get mowed when going over the grass. It has a flower that is pinkish orchid and it is a perfectly round ball. The petals are just straight strands with a hint of white at the tip. The flowers give the impression of being a fiberoptic ball. I have tried to scatter the flowers on my lawn using fresh ones, semi fresh ones and dried ones but haven't been able to get any to take. I would love to know what it is called to see if I could purchase any seed. My grass is very sparse and this would fill in beautifully. Any help would truly be appreciated.