I've so far received a couple notes from folks with login problems. In trying to track the extent of it, I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing issues along the lines of being logged out during a reply to a message or starting a new post?
Daniel I am having this problem of being logged out while replying to a message. Although I must admit to logging in and getting distracted in the middle of my replies.
How distracted? I think it is currently set to allow 30 minutes before an action is completed (e.g., "post a new thread" or "submit reply") before it logs you out. An alternative, if you log in from home, is to check the "Remember Me" box in the upper right corner when logging in - then you should never have this problem (e.g., I can start typing in a reply box, leave it overnight and then hit submit reply and it will still work)
Okay, okay - a lot distracted, like doing the dishes and popping in to the local nursery. The joys of high speed internet.