Lilium identification + nerine cultivation

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by Pontus Wallstén, Nov 27, 2004.

  1. Pontus Wallstén

    Pontus Wallstén Member

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    Hello everyone,

    My name is Pontus Wallstén, I live in Switzerland and collect rare plants, especially lilies. This spring, I planted a lilly in my border which was meant to be Lilium Xanthellum Luteum, a lily quite similar to lilium taliense. However, when it grew, its leaves had nothing similar to those of lilium taliense, which are thin and quite dark green. on the photographs that I have seen of lilium Xanthellum, it also has the same foilage as lilium taliense. On my lily, which did not flower this year, the leaves were quite big and olive green (see attatched pictures). the bulb is quite big, a bit bigger than a golf ball, and pinkish white. What I also can add is that it is stem rooting and has purple spots on ths stem can someone help me to identify this lilium?

    Secondly, i was wondering if anyone could give me advice on growing nerines. I have tried for 5 years to make them flower, but they only produce leaves. I grow nerine bowdeeni Welisii and nerine bowdenii.

    Thank you!

    Attached Files:

  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    There may not be enough of your lily plant yet to tell what it is, when it flowers it will certainly be easier to have some idea!

    If the Nerines are not against a warm wall, try that.

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