Hello, there. I've been trying to identify this plant for years. I saw it in a park in Escondido, Southern California, meadow habitat but with some shade. I have never seen it flowering so leaves only. I remember that the plant was very prickly to the touch. You help is much appreciated.
Compare with Solanum pennellii one of several species used in Tomato breeding. http://solgenomics.net/static_content/solanaceae-project/docs/JGI-Submitted.pdf
I think David got it. Phacelia seems to be the closest. Could even be Phacelia cicutaria. Ironically I have pictures of its flowers but no leaves. I think Phacelia I've seen was a shrub though and not a herb but I am not sure. Thank you all for your quick replies. They sure helped to narrow the search down. I'll be looking for a flowering specimen.