Hi there, I'm entirely new to this forum and I was looking for some help in identifying our flowering jungle monster creature in our back yard. Check out this interesting specimen... http://img212.imageshack.us/my.php?image=0106071336ak3.jpg Anyone have a clue what that is? Thanks in advance!
Whoa! I thought you were exaggerating, but that certainly is a jungle monster! =D I have no idea what it is, but now I want to know, too!
It's an Agave of some description, and it's blooming. You can eat the flowers if you wish. I should also let you know that once it's done flowering, it will die. However there should be some little pup plants around it, and you can also plant seed if you leave some of the flowers.
Thanks for the ID :) I looked up the Agave attenuata and that does seem to be what it is. You guys really know your plants! Thank you very much.