Hello, I'm having trouble finding the name of this flower/bush that is growing in our yard. My husband thinks is a type of hibiscus, but I can't find any hibiscus that match up. The bushes are about 10' high. Thank you, Ann
Wow, that was a fast response. Thank you very much. I don't understand why the same name applies to the common hibiscus as well. I thought each type would have it's own name. Can you tell me when I can pick the seeds? Would they make good potted plants? Thanks, Ann
If by common hibiscus you mean H. syriacus that one is represented by multiple cultivars with multiple characteristics. The double form shown is no doubt traded under a specific cultivar name. Other common hibiscuses are the tropical H. rosa-sinensis, sold in cold climates as a potted flowering plant, and the herbaceous H. moscheutos.
Yes, I'm more used to the Hawaii state flower, which is common to me. When looking for it online I found the different flowers being labeled with the same name you mentioned, H. syriacus. The flowers are abundant on the two large bush/trees in the yard. I thought I could get seeds from them (don't know where) and plant in pots. Thanks, Ann
Double forms such as one shown tend not to set seed as the center of the flower is muddled up with extra petals.