If anyone can enlighten me as to the name of this plant, I'd be most appreciative. It grows in my yard in Tucson, Arizona. The flower itself is no more than an inch in diameter. Thank you
Looks like a type of Lantana from here. Has a distinct fragrance normally, strong, pungent acidic smell, tough to describe now that I am thinking about it. Crush a leaf and you should smell it easily. Flowers tend to transform in colors from orange to yellow and pink etc. I think it is rated about zone 8 or 9
Lantana montevidensis-Identified Thanks to the information provided by jimmyq, I was able to confirm the name of the plant. It is in fact Lantana montevidensis. Here is a link that gives a better description if anyone is interested. Thank you jimmyq. http://www.streetside.com/plants/floridata/ref/l/lant_m.htm